The content in this blog are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial
(personal) use only. Unauthorized reproduction, sale in whole or in part, or distribution of the content, is prohibited.
All rights reserved.

Monday, December 31, 2012

begin with a heartfelt new year...

Happy almost 2013 six sensories! 

Let's try a little something to open up and invigorate your heart chakra for the new year. 

Find a quiet space where you feel safe and inhale deeply and gently through your nose.  Exale through your mouth while saying Ha...and allow that Ha to come from your heart center (picture it with your eyes closed if you're visual and it helps you focus) while you gently exale all of the air from your lungs. Do this until you feel at peace.  

Practice this exercise whenever you feel stress during your day.  It only takes a few moments, but the benefits are astounding because your body, mind and spirit will support you in this effort to return to spirit and calm.  I practice this quite often during the day and I can assure you it will bring you back into balance quickly and easily and help you remain grounded through your heart center. 

If you practice often enough, you will begin to forgive more easily and experience life in a more centered and loving way.  People will notice the change, react to it and ask you what you're doing differently in your life.  Share with them if you feel comfortable to do so and begin a little heartfelt therapy of your the change! 

SixSensoryBeing on blogger
Cowls I'm knitting for Annie's Gifts for Chemo
This is a simple and enjoyable way that I can bring a smile to someone in need.

Consider beginning your new year giving while using your skills, ideas, and energy in a positive way. A few simple steps forward in this manner will start you and others off to a happy and healthier new year.  Remember to also take good care of yourself and keep a little healing energy for yourself. 

Six Sensory Being on blogger
Create a delicious meal for someone you love.  This is a wonderful soup mix gift that I received for the holidays from Frontier Soups and a perfect way to bring in the wintery new year.  This mix calls for simple ingredients and can be made with sausage or go vegetarian - yay!  You can also start from scratch and make your own delicious soups.

What are some ways you share your heart,time and energy helping others?  Allow your heart to lead and inspire us all.

Out with the old and disfunctional and in with balance, beauty, and abundance in 2013.  That is my wish for you.  Have a safe and happy new year celebration.

Margaret-Elizabeth (hopeful, happy, and taking small steps)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Angel Card for the Day

Yes! is the answer to our prayer:
Archangel Raphael, please help me trust my feelings as the accurate barameter of truth.
We have all been through a trying time since the recent events of last Friday.  As we head into the weekend, let us find healing and reassurance with the help of Archangel Raphael.
Remember to Be kind and gentle with your feelings at this time.
Margaret-Elizabeth (inspired by the wonderful sunflower and turning my face to the sun)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday Word: Green

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We all need to heal our hearts this week in light of the events that have happened. 
Green is associated with the heart chakra.
  Breathe in the color green. 
For more information on the chakras and the   color green, you might enjoy
Allow the healing to begin,
Margaret Elizabeth
The content and photographs in this document are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial (personal) use only. Unauthorized reproduction, sale in whole or in part, or distribution of the content, is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Truly Exquisite!

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Thanks to the well wishes everyone. They are greatly appreciated and have accelerated my recovery.  I'm happy to share with you that I'm off crutches and getting back to life as a six sensory person. 

Today, I'd like to share with you a site that you might enjoy. Exquisite Crystals  has an eclectic assortment of crystals that you can enjoy around your home, office, and to use for healing and elevating your mood. They even send you a sample with your order and have excellent customer service and delivery. It's always wonderful to experience the crystals before you buy, but many of us don't have a good source of crystals nearby so do give them a try! 

Are you remembering to clear or charge your crystals?  Need some help on that subject?  Check out the tips for the care of your crystals on the Exquisite Crystals FAQ Page.  I normally charge them with Reiki energy, leave them in the sun or moonlight, depending on how I use them, and how I am drawn to clear and charge them.  Try different methods and discover what makes you comfortable. Your loving intention is always the key to clearing and recharging any item.

Hmmm, are you remembering to pay more attention to your inner knowing this week?  Just checking.

Margaret-Elizabeth, (still delighted how the inner knowing thingie always works. Wheee!)

The content and photographs in this document are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial (personal) use only. Unauthorized reproduction, sale in whole or in part, or distribution of the content, is prohibited. All rights reserved. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

What if…Monday Madness Pep Talk

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Lead and light the a beacon.
What if your Earth mentors, teachers and six
sensory friends decided:

You know what? This six sensory life thing is
too dificult to deal with.

 My sensitivity is just too painful to manage.

 I’m scared to try (fill in the blank). 

Wow, what a mess, right? Back up and consider where you might be if someone had felt this way and not been able to offer you encouragement, information, or inspiration along your journey in life.  Your being here is important.  We are all connected.  We know this fact deep down, feel this connection and if you need science to back this up, new information is constantly being put out there for us to consider.  Our spiritual teachings should and do guide us to connect with each other, share, and be of service to others.   A simple smile, share, or creative endeavor can all be part of the plan of your life. Go connect with life.  Go now! 
Take better care of yourself today, you little beacon of light, you.  Small daily changes or steps are wonderful beginnings.  Try to be gentle with yourself and others and don't feel bad if you falter.  Ask that all be resolved in a peaceful, loving way that is correct for all involved.
Every morning I thank my creator for a chance to begin again. Those words feel natural to me. Do chose the words that work for you and bring that connection to the divine so that you can move forward confidently and with a clear mind and loving heart.
Allow the Monday madness to roll off you like a water off a ducks back today and be a beacon of beautiful light.  Pretty soon you'll be looking forward to serving others without any fear or hesitation in your very own unique and beautiful six sensory way.

Margaret (allowing my beacon to have rainbow colors - woohoo!)
The picutre above is one of my free knitting patterns.If this interests you, please visit free pattern section. :)
Photos and content are the property of Margaret E. Nock. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekend wonder and wander...

Do you get nervous or down right scared to explore your six sensory abilities and use them to help others in a public way?  We all have moments when we hesitate to share, take advantage of new opportunities, and basically come out of the six sensory closet to our friends, family, and the world.  Every time I reach a place of fear and hesitation I close my eyes and concentrate, say, and even write this question: How may I serve? Give your mind, body and spirit a chance to work with you to accept and share your insights and gifts. Consider giving this a try and see how it works for you in your life.

Our dog, Max, had wonderful spirit and zest for life. He was always ready to explore the unknown, take a new path, and be himself warts and all. Max passed away suddenly a year ago, but we still celebrate his wonderfully exuberant approach to life. His advice for you would probably go like this:

"Prance like a Yorkie. Fake it 'til you make it and become more comfortable with accepting and exploring your six sensory gifts ... and always stop to enjoy a good snack."
As the weekend approaches, remember to find joy in your life whenever you wonder or wherever you wander.
Where there is joy, fear can not exist.
- Sonia Choquette
Meditations for Receiving Divine Guidance, Support & Healing App


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It's wonderful to see you here at Six Sensory Being.  Some of you may know me from my blog, knit1fortheroad.  Here at Margaret Elizabeth:Six Sensory Being, the goal is to share ways to develop and exist in a turbulent world as a six sensory person. You probably are six sensory since you've been drawn to this blog. Many of you feel, see, know and experience life differently than others, as I have all of my life, and sometimes coping with it all can be overwhelming. This is a safe place for you to visit, feel inspired and consider ways to make your path in the world a little easier.  In the next few days and weeks, I will be building this site. There will be information for you, as well posts that hopefully inspire you to celebrate your amazing six sensory being more please excuse the temporary construction.

Please join me on Twitter
@SixSensoryBeing and allow the inspiration and joy to begin.

Margaret Elizabeth (looking forward to being a creative child again)
Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150