The content in this blog are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial
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All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Are you in the flow of your life?

I encourage you to take a look at how the animals and plants move through the flow of seasons.

I encourage you to take a look at how the animals and plants move through the flow of seasons.

Today, I encourage you to ask the question:

Am I truly in the flow of my life?

During the holiday, I noticed that many of my friends and relatives were feeling drained, irritable, and lost as to what they should be doing with their lives.  When we feel this way, it’s a sign that we have become disconnected to our true divine spark, which we all have. It is our beautiful and real selves.

Let us go into the new year connected to our spark, and detached from the drama trama that can surround us and take our focus away from our life and spiritual paths.

I encourage you to cleanse your energetic field with excercise, high vibrational foods and creative activities. Consider using sea salt to cleanse your body when you feel drained. Practice yoga breathing and poses to keep your energy centers (chakras) in alignment.  Do connect with nature and music to allow creativity to flow and keep your channel open for awareness and guidance.  Nurturing activities will help keep you in the natural flow of your life and will help you live your six sensory life with peace, grace, clarity and compassion.

I invite you to take a look at some of your habits and make a few simple adjustments that will fit into your life easily. I urge you to treat yourself gently and with respect.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday filled with peace, joy, and a more full six sensory life filled with rich and enlightening experiences in the coming year.

Embrace the flow of your life…  Margaret Elizabeth

Please visit to learn more about my services and to easily book your session or service.

Visit SixSensoryBeing on Facebook and on Twitter for your daily scoop of inspiration!

Monday, December 9, 2013

A quick update with love!

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week.  I wanted to update you for a moment on what is going on at SixSensoryBeing.  I will be posting the link to the new website soon and will remove the phone appt booking app from this blog at this point as we move forward with the transition.  I will continue to blog here and on the website as well.  New and improved options are in your future when you visit the SixSensoryBeing website and I hope you love them as much as I do.(Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.)  Please contact me via email at if you have any questions.  The email services and paypal payment tabs are still available and work here on this blog.

I'm off to continue the challenges of change and upheaval as I make room for all the good stuff coming.   Hope you are too!  Please know and acknowledge that caring helpers surround you during this busy and somewhat stressful season for many.  Some will be in the spirit world while others will be divine sparks embodied here in earthly bodies.  Either way, I encourage you to always ask your loving God, universe, and source to help you through it.

I look forward to sharing all of the SixSensoryBeing goodness with you soon.

Lighten your load and let's get going!

Margaret Elizabeth (leading with my enthusiasm and intuitive knowing today)

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Divine Timing

Several years ago I was lucky enough to meet and have a reading with a wise man who was also a reverend. He gave me a beautiful reading and revealed the path that was ahead for me.  Many of the specifics that he mentioned occurred within the past two years.  In 2008 a close friend referred me to a lovely woman for a general reading. It was the year I began writing my knitting blog, writing articles and books. I had many changes coming and questions about my life. Much of what she told me has also occurred within the last two years.  I had a little moment of clarity that all that I have done has led me to this wonderful time of growth and awareness.  Even when I was young, I had faith that divine timing would occur throughout my life making the road a little smoother even if I had to wait awhile. 

I'm sharing this with you today to encourage you to know and understand that the Creator, guides and angels are working on your behalf to bring about helpful changes, lessons, and experiences to help you grow spiritually.  It's up to us to use our free will wisely and make the best decisions that we can in present time.

I encourage you to ask for help in all areas life. One way you can help yourself is to pray for your lessons of spiritual growth to be learned quickly and fairly so that all involved will have more peace. Journal your experiences and acknowledge your new awareness as it drops into your life.  The beauty and joy of divine timing will astound you. 

Consider your patience and awareness as beautiful gifts to help you live a more peaceful six sensory life and trust in divine timing.

Margaret Elizabeth (so happy to share my gifts with you today)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Testing, testing!

This is not my best work, but still inspiring and at least now you know what I sound like, right?  I'm in the process of creating a channel of inspirational videos and dusting off my equipment to keep you motivated. New and better videos coming soon to SixSensoryBeing on YouTube(link coming soon for those of you who tried to use a trigger finger on a link just now). Stay tuned for updates and have a beautiful weekend.

Margaret Elizabeth (bringing the energy, exuberance and a can do attitude to my blog today- hope it motivates you too!)

Where my joy guides at!?

Looking for joy in your life?  You may enjoy this SixSensoryBeing FB post.

May the joy guides lead you to new creative and enlightening six sensory experiences and wisdom.

Margaret Elizabeth

I feel a happy dance in my future!  Join me.

Friday, November 15, 2013

I lost a mitten,but gained a website...

I missed you six sensory readers!  We are finally settling into our new home and I thought it might be a good time to write about that dreaded word to many of us, CHANGE.  It's a chiller, right?  Makes the heart beat faster and the sweat start dripping, or maybe that's just me with the security loving Virgo influence on my Indigo nature. 

We really need to come to grips with our fear of the change occurong throughout our lives. Some changes are welcomed, even though there are challenges, while some seemed forced upon us.  The truth is, we ask for these challenges long before we arrive in physical form in order to grow and learn.I am told by my guides that our souls continue to grow learn and serve on the other side. We do have free will but eventually lessons won't be avoided because we need to work through them as part of our spiritual growth. If not in the present life, than we'll be facing them again until we choose to work through them.  

Throughout my period of upheaval, I asked for more support and guidance and vowed to receive it with an open heart. This made everything much easier, and I was actually able to step back and take a look at where I need to improve. Soon I was exploring new ideas, and using my guidance to lead me to the steps I need to grow as a medium and healer. The angels also brought me more wonderful readings for others.  Most recently, I was connected by a true friend to a wonderful soul who will be creating my website. I have been asking for help in this area.  More about that soon.  

Now I know it's Friday afternoon, and this is some heavy stuff to leave you with, but I always like to share my own experiences with you so that you can perhaps be inspired in your own life.  We are sensitive and loving, but our sensitivity leaves us vulnerable.  I encourage you to take good care of yourself by eating as well as you can, spending time in nature and having a little joy, make that bunches of joy, along the way.

I invite you to bravely embrace your change with open arms as it may be the beginning of something beautiful.  You may have to let go of a few things along the way, but it's only to make more room for what needs to come to you.

Take a deep breath, ask for help and go confidently into your future.  There is so much love for you in this world and on the other side.

Margaret Elizabeth (I lost one of my favorite mittens, a pair of sunglasses and two lamps in one day to be more precise, but the same day I learned about my fabulous website opp-it's all good)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Are you too nice?

My weekend read was Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How to Be Loving Instead of "Too Nice" [Hardcover] or Kindle Version

Do you always help others at the expense of your own time and emotions?  Do you sometimes feel bullied or unappreciated even though you are trying to be kind and nurturing?  Maybe you love too deeply and quickly. Your capacity to love and be kind is a wonderful and much needed gift to the planet. It enables you to be a wonderful healer, teacher and nurturer. It can be uncomfortable and down right difficult for us to protect ourselves from harsh treatment or relationships that are not healthy.  If any of this is sounding familiar then you might benefit from Doreen Virtue's wonderful insight.  Her book is filled with helpful ways to learn the importance of  respecting our self worth as well as tactfully handling difficult confrontations or harsh situations and anyone who may take advantage of your beautiful disposition and approach to life.  People may not mean to be harsh or malicious in any way, but your learning to tell them that their behavior is hurtful and unacceptable to you opens the door to a deeper understanding. Please remember that it's okay to be six sensory, and if you're struggling from being too nice, please do check out this book. 

You may have noticed I haven't been online as much.  We are currently preparing for an out of state move and over the weekend our internet went out so I have not been keeping up with all the fb posts and tweets, etc.  I assure you that I will be back on track soon.  Due to the upheaval around here, I won't be taking appointments for the next couple of weeks and will keep you posted on any changes.  Thanks for stopping by to read this blog post, I really appreciate all of my six sensory friends and community.

I encourage you to lead with your intuition this week and look for beautiful signs of support all around you.


"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another."

Luciano DeCrescenzo

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday Words: Autumn's from the past

“Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.”
William Cullen Bryant

Enjoy the beauty of Autumn. I encourage you to embrace your dreams, gifts, and guidance every day.

Margaret Elizabeth

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Are you daydreaming?

I urge you to take a little time to daydream. Some of my best daydreams come to me when I'm cooking, cleaning, sitting in front of a window on a rainy day.  I spend the first few moments of my morning outside on my porch with my coffee or tea watching the trees sway in the breeze while tuned into Mark Watson's beautiful angelic melodies. When the mind is able to daydream, the body relaxes and your guidance, imagination and ideas will drop into your awareness.  With time and practice, this can be an incredibly powerful way for you to free up the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and allow spirit, imagination, creativity and new ideas into your awareness. 

Practice daydreaming when you're alone and feel it's safe to let go and relax. Begin by sitting comfortably with feet flat on the floor (or lay down) whatever you feel you need to do in the moment and take a few gentle deep breaths to release tension in the body and allow your mind to relax. Acknowledge the random thoughts that will come up and allow them to pass as will adjustments in the body, like coughing, itching, or whatever comes up.  This is a way for your body to release energy and tension. If you have to move or adjust, it's okay, go ahead and do it.  Look around the room and  notice where you are in present time.  Close your eyes and sit in this quiet space of  awarenes with no expectation, just be.  If you feel the desire to listen to music or a guided meditation during this time than do it.  

You will find that when you make a habit of daydreaming, your life will be back in the flow of your divine spirit, and any difficulties that you have will be overcome much more quickly.  New solutions will come, you will feel more peaceful, and joy will make it's way back into your life.

You may also enjoy reading this article about the science of daydreaming from the Telegraph: 

Daydreaming really is the key to solving complex problems.

Enjoy your daydream,
Margaret-Elizabeth (daydreams when no one is looking)

 "If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. ... I get most joy in life out of music.” Albert Einstein

Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Books I'm loving this week...

Three books I'm loving this week...

If you're like me, you squeeze in your reading when you can and sometimes read more than one book at a time. Here are mine!

Funny, serious and informative...this is one you won't want to put down. Perfect weekend read. 

Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How to Be Loving Instead of "Too Nice"  

When you're sensitive, you tend to be a people pleaser.  Doreen helps us cope with handling people and situations in a calm, loving way without giving up our power. It's so helpful for six sensory life.


A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health by Dr Glen Hepker.  This is one I just began and am finding it to be so inspirational.  It's the kind of book you want to keep in your library and share with others who are struggling with balance and health in their lives.

Get inspired @ Verrado High School's ROAR

Good Monday morning six sensories, here's inspiration for your Monday. I love these kids! Great documentation of the story, too. They were interviewed on Good Morning America this morning.
Hope you ROAR today!

Margaret Elizabeth ( Your roar is awesome. I can hear it, can you?)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday: Angels at work.

The statue of an Angel (1494-1495) created by Michelangelo from marble is located in the Basilica of San Domenico, Bologna.  It's subject is Saint Proculus of Bologna.

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." Michelangelo

You know the Angels are at work when feathers are placed directly in front of your path. Acknowledge your angels when they leave you signs that show up in unusual places and at unusual times in response to your questions and prayers.

Enjoy your day and marvel at your angels and guides at work on your behalf.  You simply need to ask for their assistance and send them loving energy in return.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Get in the flow...

Inspiration for your Monday ...

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Often I write about leading each day with your
intuition and any guidance that you receive from spirit, but it's also important to think about living in open hearted awareness.  When your heart is open, your life flows much more easily. Your life and the others you come in contact with, will improve. Go ahead and get in the flow and see what happens. Perhaps it may make you feel different right away or perhaps it will be a gradual process for you. Either way, you are beginning a wonderful practice of opening your heart so that you can live your life more fully. 

I encourage you to take the first step to acknowleding this awareness by forgiving yourself, and others and start your week with a clean slate. Your intention to open your heart, listen to your heart, and receive guidance through your heart space,and with practice, will become a natural process in your daily life.

Remove yourself (as much as you can) from harsh situations, words, and anything or anyone that causes you to feel fearful, drained, or uneasy. Breathe deeply often during your day to allow spirit in and stress out of the body. Most of all, be kind to yourself and your spirit every day and you will easily fall into the flow of your life with a new sense of awareness and joy.

With practice, and spirit, all things are possible.

Have an incredible day and enjoy your new awareness.  It will come.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekend Reading...

Wow! This week went by so quickly. 

I joyfully invite you to read, study, and experience your six sensory life with an informative weekend read. Here are two books that are sure to inspire you.

First up:

A helpful book by Lynn Lloyd, M.A. Ed. for those who are exploring their mediumship abilities and would like a good basic foundation to work from will find useful information and will want to keep it in your six sensory library and share it with others. Check out Mediumship Made Simple, A Step by Step Guide To Communicating With Spirit. Enjoy this easy to read weekend goodie.

My next pick is Deborah King's new book, Entangled in Darkness:Seeking the Light. I've enjoyed her workshops and have a great respect for her generosity, compassion and her ability to teach many valuable spiritual truths in a straightforward manner.  She addresses the subject of looking into your soul and discovering your true mission here in this lifetime.  It's a deep subject to explore, but Deborah has made it understandable for us and shares many of her own experiences as a healer and spiritual teacher in this book. If you are a healer, this book will be of great help to you.  

Please read what you're drawn to explore. There are no accidents.

Margaret (enjoying the flow of an accidental life)

"Find a place inside where there's joy, and joy will burn out the pain." 
Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fabulous Five Sure Fire ways to...

It's time to bring in some fresh ideas and awareness. Here are five fabulous ways to call in your divine spirit.  These activities can also gently call in your guides, helpers, angels, and ascended masters.  They will also prepare your physical, emotional, and mental bodies to receive awareness, ideas, guidance and any information that you may be searching for. 

Start with....

1.Your breath...Breathe in deeply, exhale gently saying ha.  Do this until you feel at ease and peaceful.

2. Listen to music that is angel friendly with beautiful melodies.

3. Dance as if no one is looking.  Nothing fancy, just move and stretch.  The more you move joyfully,the better the outcome will be. Exercises such as walking, yoga, pilates, running, etc. can also help you gain clarity and guidance.

4. Create!  It doesn't matter the skill or the project. Get creative. Cook, paint, write, build, knit, whatever releases that since of joy and creativity in your being.

5. Nature is awesome! Take a walk outside and enjoy your view.  Garden. Visit the forest, arboretum, ocean, mountain range, river or whatever is near you.  Reconnect with the natural world and really concentrate on how the trees, plants and animals behave, feel and interact with you and every other living thing. 

I invite you to do one or all as often as you are able. Journal each and every feeling and experience so that you can keep track of your beautiful six sensory lifeAllow the new awareness to just fall into your being, no matter how subtle.

That's it! 
Margaret-Elizabeth (Thinking of having a joyful dance off with the dogs today. I'm sure they are up for it.)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Are you an earth angel?

Have ever been called an earth angel, old soul, or a wise one? Did you ever wonder about the beautiful personality and physical traits that made people see you that way? Doreen Virtue has an updated version of her original book on this subject. Realms of the Earth Angels will help you find the answers to these questions and learn to identify traits in yourself and others. Take the quiz! Consider it another beautiful and insightful way to look at the world around you and the people in it.  You will find it a helpful tool as you grow as a light worker and a beautiful six sensory being.  The information in this book is taught in Doreen's advanced Angel courses, but if you're reading this post and are drawn to the subject, you're ready to receive the information.  New categories and sub-categories are being discovered as we accelerate our awareness and acceptance of our true divine nature. 

I joyfully invite you to open your hearts and minds to all that is wonderful in you and others around you.

Angel Therapy Practitioner®
certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday Wonder

Over the weekend, Dave and I took the dogs to The U.S. National Arboretum.  We visited the pond and discovered the most wonderful frogs. They were totally still, even when a group of overly excited kids with their loudest outside voices came by vibrating with energy. Amazing. Could you be this still and steadfast on your rock while living your life with chaos all around?  Have you learned to filter out the noise of our world to connect with source? Can you sit still in the silence of your own spirit? 

I invite you to consider the tiny frog the next time the world infringes on your boundaries and be steadfast on your rock.

Nature still has many lessons to teach us.
Margaret-Elizabeth (always ready to learn something new)

This blog is dedicated to the memory of officer Jason Schneider who was killed while many of us were still sleeping safely in our beds this morning.
"He was 36, a 13-year-veteran of the force
and with the tactical unit since 2004. Schneider was inside a home on Winters Lane at the time of the shooting around 5:30 a.m. officer Schneider was a married father of two."
The Baltimore Sun

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Whirlwinds of Change

Hi Everyone!

Gosh, it's great to be blogging.  There has been a whirlwind of activity with readings, writing, and some stress and worry due to pet illness and an upcoming move. Everything is fine now with our babies, Molly and Madison and the stressful changes we're going through are more manageable now. 

I really do like to write what I know and share my ups and downs of my own six sensory life experiences with you... 

During the past few weeks the pressure and stress has been building.  You probably know when a time of change is about to come about in your life as a six sensory person. We're sensitive to subtle energies and changes around us and sometimes may be the only person in the family who is thrown off course and left spinning helplessly while others remain relatively calm.  During this time of change, I continued with readings and was glad to focus on my clients's needs. I discovered almost every person I read for was experiencing a similar upheaval in their lives.  It made me realize that this surge of major life change was needed in order for us to grow as spiritual beings. It's also a critical time when we must keep the connection to source in order to keep our balance. 

Why do we fight the simple things that make us feel better about ourselves and our life during these changes?  The ego is a master manipulator and wants to stay in control.  It constantly derails us into thinking we can't do this, or we should hold a grudge for that, or we can't do the work of accepting change.

Send your ego to timeout and call your spirit back.  It is your true essence. 

I encourage you to take time every day to connect to source even if you think you're too upset, tired, or just disgusted, for that's the time you need the connection the most!  We all need to raise our vibrations to keep our connection to the divine source.  I invite you to make it a priority every day, just as you would breathing, eating, and sleeping.  Start with your breath. Breathe in deeply and exhale saying the word, Hah.  Do this several times before you pray or meditate and invite your spirit back into your life. 

We grow, we learn and we stretch our horizons to raise our awareness.  We are spirit embodied, that's what we do.

You are a bright light in the darkness and I'm so glad that you've stopped by to read this post.

Margaret Elizabeth (looking toward the stars and feeling inspired)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The State of Mind and the Immune System

The State of Mind and the Immune System

I thought you might enjoy this article on the brain, emotions and the immune system

Have a beautiful day!
Margaret Elizabeth

Monday, July 29, 2013

Light and Love

Today's beautiful message from the angels is to help us to remember the fact that we are here on Earth giving support, light and love to those around us and the planet every moment. Our ability to do this is our life purpose. 

Many times we question why we're here at this particular time on the planet and if we're on our life path. Perhaps we wonder if we're doing enough? The angels want to confirm that we contribute to the healing of not only ourselves and others, but the planet itself, by just being here. What we do, how we choose to spend our time, what we focus our thoughts on, along with ideas that we bring to fruition ripple through into our world, the universe and beyond.  Our six sensory abilities can sometimes be overwhelming, but the angels want us to know that our gift of sensitivity is a gift to the world and helps spread a new awareness that is critical to our evolution and survival. We are entering a new age of enlightenment and our healing light is needed.

Know that you are loved and supported by the creator and that you are absolutely living your purpose in life. I invite you to acknowledge and embrace your gifts, talents and share your wisdom to fulfill your beautiful six sensory life. I hope you will continue to follow your life purpose with confidence. Keep in mind daily the knowledge that you are deeply loved and supported by an array of spiritual helpers, guides and teachers in this world and beyond.

Ask yourself...
Do I take time to feel the love of the divine? Do I pay attention to and acknowledge the signs that I receive that I am being supported by the divine?  Do I offer my worries and problems to the divine for transmutation, resolution and a loving outcome for the good of all involved? 

If you answer yes, than you are focused and open to allow support along your life path. 

If no, perhaps you need to consider taking more time to be quiet and reflective. Perhaps you need a walk in nature or creative activities. Maybe you need time with your children or pets, or to help a friend or volunteer your services. Ask for help and pay attention to the signs, ideas,and opportunities that will to show up in your life. All of these activities will allow the healing flow of source to work through you.  

I encourage you to share your thoughts on today's blog. Your comments can be healing and encouraging to others. All comments are moderated and spam or abusive comments will not be tolerated (or appear) toward anyone who writes a comment on this blog.

Feel the light and love that is all around you today.

Margaret Elizabeth

“Just as ripples radiate from the place where a stone is thrown into a pool of water, our sometime-unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs create the “disturbances” in the Field that become the blueprints for our lives.” Gregg Braden

Monday, July 22, 2013

Are you at a crossroads?

“When you feel life at crossroads,
you need higher perspective view.” 
― Toba BetaMy Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

The crossroads of life can be pretty confusing and challenging.  We've all been there and will probably be there again, at some point in our lives. 

Crossroads don't have to be challenging. Consider that change is an opportunity for growth. That's why I'm offering the newest attunement, The Crossroads Energy Attunement, channeled by Nicole Lanning, here at Six Sensory Being.  I enjoy working with this attunement, not only for myself, but for other lightworkers, mediums and anyone who is struggling with clarity and the ability to make the decision that is right for us. 

You will receive the attunement from me via the chi ball energy method. Your attunement package includes a pdf with information regarding the use of the attunement, instructions on how to give and receive it, along with a brief history of how the attunement was chanelled and the history of the crossroads.

It's a beautiful way to gently improve your openess to receiving guidance and clarity for any major decision in life. (See Attunements box on the sidebar right hand side of this blog)

Receive your attunement in open hearted awareness and enjoy more clarity,less fear.

Margaret Elizabeth


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

save your sanity day...

Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself.-Dr. David R. Hawkins

Are you receiving messages from those who have passed on to the spirit world at times it's really inconvenient or bugging you? The departed ones don't mean to be annoying, they're just so delighted that you're a medium and aware of them. A teacher once suggested making
an appointment time (and keeping it) for the people who would like to come through to tell their story, pass on messages, etc. I was receiving messages so randomly at all hours of the day and night and it was getting overwhelming and tiresome. I felt guilty that I was not able to help them all and it never occurred to me to set an appointment time with spirit as you would with people in the physical world.

Every day I meditate at least once a day and allow departed spirits to come through then, if they wish. Departed loved ones were once in physical form and get that they need an appointment with you - the medium! Departed loved ones of clients come through during readings or during a healing session, but not when I'm giving a chi ball attunement, for example. 

Gently speak with the departed spirits and state your intention to help them during a certain time(whatever fits your schedule and life).You'll discover that you'll receive their messages more clearly, easily and feel less stress or guilt. They will show up for sure and you may still receive messages at other times when someone's energy is persistent but normally, they will respect your wishes. Let them know when you're available and when you're not. Taking a break will also give your energetic, physical, mental and emotional bodies a rest, especially at night. 

Consider creating a signal. Think of a word, give a physical sign or say a prayer to send as a signal to them that you're ready for communication or done for the day.

I encourage you to take a deep breath, acknowledge your gifts and enjoy being of service to others.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Angel Attunements!

Angel, by Edward Burne-Jones [1878] (Public Domain Image)

I'm super excited to offer two new attunements this month at Six Sensory Being!

Colours of the Angels is a beautiful and gentle attunement to help begin a lifetime journey with your angels. The pdf includes helpful basic information,receiving and giving the attunement. This attunement will open seven Archangel connections to help bring you guidance, protection and shine light along your life journey. 

The Angel Lightworkers Program is one of my favorite attunements. There are three attunements in this package along with information on the angelic realm, meditative images and instructions on how to give and receive the attunements. 

After purchase, you will receive an email from me with instructions on receiving your attunement and the the lineage of the attunement. The attunement is delivered by the chi ball method and I offer email support for all of my attunements. There is no need to contact me to arrange the attunement. The 
energy will flow to you once you set you intention to receive it. 

Once the service is given, I can not issue a refund, and as with anything else in life, it depends on you to do your part to nurture your relationship with the angels.

Each package is a $30 value, but this month is my 15th wedding anniversary and to celebrate, I'm offering each package for half price - only $15 each!!! It's important to me that you begin your relationship with the angels as soon as possible, and make these attunements more affordable for everyone.

Enjoy your day!
Margaret Elizabeth
Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150