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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Whirlwinds of Change

Hi Everyone!

Gosh, it's great to be blogging.  There has been a whirlwind of activity with readings, writing, and some stress and worry due to pet illness and an upcoming move. Everything is fine now with our babies, Molly and Madison and the stressful changes we're going through are more manageable now. 

I really do like to write what I know and share my ups and downs of my own six sensory life experiences with you... 

During the past few weeks the pressure and stress has been building.  You probably know when a time of change is about to come about in your life as a six sensory person. We're sensitive to subtle energies and changes around us and sometimes may be the only person in the family who is thrown off course and left spinning helplessly while others remain relatively calm.  During this time of change, I continued with readings and was glad to focus on my clients's needs. I discovered almost every person I read for was experiencing a similar upheaval in their lives.  It made me realize that this surge of major life change was needed in order for us to grow as spiritual beings. It's also a critical time when we must keep the connection to source in order to keep our balance. 

Why do we fight the simple things that make us feel better about ourselves and our life during these changes?  The ego is a master manipulator and wants to stay in control.  It constantly derails us into thinking we can't do this, or we should hold a grudge for that, or we can't do the work of accepting change.

Send your ego to timeout and call your spirit back.  It is your true essence. 

I encourage you to take time every day to connect to source even if you think you're too upset, tired, or just disgusted, for that's the time you need the connection the most!  We all need to raise our vibrations to keep our connection to the divine source.  I invite you to make it a priority every day, just as you would breathing, eating, and sleeping.  Start with your breath. Breathe in deeply and exhale saying the word, Hah.  Do this several times before you pray or meditate and invite your spirit back into your life. 

We grow, we learn and we stretch our horizons to raise our awareness.  We are spirit embodied, that's what we do.

You are a bright light in the darkness and I'm so glad that you've stopped by to read this post.

Margaret Elizabeth (looking toward the stars and feeling inspired)

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