The content in this blog are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial
(personal) use only. Unauthorized reproduction, sale in whole or in part, or distribution of the content, is prohibited.
All rights reserved.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Get your grace on...

It's a new week, and a chance to consider the idea of Divine Grace and how it continually helps us in our daily lives.  There are many definitions of grace and Divine Grace, in particular, made available to us. What does Divine Grace mean to you personally along your six sensory journey? How does it help you?

Today, I'm sharing two books with you that I personally use and have found helpful to me as a six sensory being.  There are many sources in every faith regarding Divine Grace and perhaps you might consider exploring the information that most resonates with your soul. 

I encourage you to take a few moments today and enjoy how Divine Grace helps you step out of your comfort zone, face your fears, and live your life more fully. 

Margaret-Elizabeth (moving into a new awareness with open heartedness and appreciation)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Family...

A simple reading from Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
What a wonderful card to pull on a Friday, don't you think?  It's a reminder to all six sensory people to spend time with supportive, loving people.  Extend your family to include, friends, community,pets, and groups of like minded people that we feel safe with.  We are so busy increasing our awareness and helping others,and sometimes our loving supporters feel left behind.
I encourage you to consider seeking out the joy of community with your family and friends. 
Dance, sing, and be joyful wherever you roam!
Margaret-Elizabeth (high vibrations and instant reconnection to spirit are just a few of the perks of being joyful - just sayin')

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Do you ever...?

Do you ever ask yourself, "does this    ______ serve me well?"  Many times we are influenced by our ego, other peoples projections, lower vibrational engergies, trama drama, and opinions.  We often worry, as six sensory people, that we are letting others down.  Every day we are energetically bombarded and must learn to become aware and learn to protect our own energy field in order to survive and to serve others. 

Today, I encourage you to begin the practice of asking, Does this serve my spirit?  Does this situation serve me well?  It's not being selfish, it's about being safe and smart about what we're giving our attention to unnecessarily.  If we give up too much of our attention and energy to situations that are ego based and lower vibrational, then we are giving up our own ability to experience our creativity, abilites, joy, and the beautiful life of service. Consider giving yourself permission to feed your spirit daily and watch the "icky" situations disappear, one by one.  You have the right to be safe, to live a six sensory life, and the right to be joyful. 

I urge you to pay attention to your RootChakra today.

Margaret-Elizabeth (have learned to experience more joy less icky energy, but that's another blog entry)

Monday, January 21, 2013

hold onto your honeybee hive armchairs

Will you
choose to listen quietly for guidance this week?

Will you
shift your awareness and intention to connect with resources you require to increase your knowledge? 

Will you acknowledge the creator,teachers, guides, helpers and angels that are delighted and eager to assist you, if only you would ask for their help?

I invite and encourage you to begin the process of six sensory awareness with an open heart, an active imagination and expressions of joy and creativity.


It's a new week with new adventures and a what the? funny picture I found in my file at the Be a Queen Bee for a day exhibit in one of the parks last spring.  You have to learn to take the weird with the wonderful in life.

...hold onto your honeybee hive armchairs and feel the shift six sensories-Whee!


The content and photographs in this document are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial (personal) use only. Unauthorized reproduction, sale in whole or in part, or distribution of the content, is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday Inspiration

Elephants Remember Joplin
Normally, I don't send you over to my knitting blog knit1fortheroad, but I thought I would share today's post, Elephants are on the way with you. Our six sensory lives are rich with opportunities to help and serve others on a daily basis.
I hope you enjoy the story of CeeCee, a young knitting sensation with passion and crazy mad (meaning awesome, in this case) knitting skills and how she is making a difference. You don't have to knit to enjoy the info...promise.
Thanks six sensory readers for stopping by today.  CeeCee's story will hopefully help you open your heart chakras...
From my heart to yours,
 (Are you using your six sensory skills today?)

Monday, January 14, 2013

change your mood, change your life

All rights reserved.
Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.
Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.
Today was a little gloomy here in Maryland, so I thought I would post some much needed color to lift the mood.
Consider lifting your mood by inviting more vivid colors into your life.  Help yourself reconnect with the higher vibrations that will keep your life running smoothly.
A Handy Resource for you ...
Visit Crystal Cure for more information on how gem colors can change your mood...change your life.
Smooth sailing ahead!
Margaret-Elizabeth (you look gorgeous in that color!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday wonder...

Yesterday morning, I felt this beautiful bird observing me and was lucky enough to have my camera with me. My feeling was that this patient bird in particular, was there to bring the practice of awareness to our attention.
The next time you're outside, I invite you to consider taking a few moments to sense the animals and nature spirits that surround you. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and begin to feel their prescence even before you see, smell or hear them.  You may need a little patience and practice in the beginning. Some of you might experience feelings, images, or thoughts.  Allow them to come forward in your mind and write, record or draw whatever you experience.   
Allow nature to teach you and enjoy the wonder of your six sensory being.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Recently, the word allow was brought into my awareness in reference to non-guided meditation and this was my experience with the incredibly freeing word, allow.
Synonyms: accept, acquiesce, admit, allow, enter into.
Antonyms: condemn, deounce, resist.

I've struggled with the practice of non-guided meditation off and on through the years until a wonderful teacher suggested that I allow the words, thoughts, fears, energy forms, etc. to just come and go without worry or judgement.  (She also gave me a personal mantra for which I am grateful) The task was easier said than done at first try.  I realized the power of the ego and how it was fighting me. The ability to allow seemed like a tall order, but I told my ego to basically go sit in the corner while I gave it a try. It worked! (You can also ask Archangel Michael to assist and protect you during the process and throughout the day). This has been one of my many personal experiences with the word allow. You will have your own and that is the wonderful part of life here on Earth.
Is your world chaotic?  It can be extremely difficult to focus on the day to day tasks of work, childcare, petcare, carpool and on and on and on.  However, I have learned, and you have probably realized it is exactly the time  to allow source energy or the divine into your day. (please fill in the word that you feel most comfortable with).  You will notice that your day will go more easily, doors of opportunity and creative solutions will open and your relationships will improve, and if they are causing you great difficulty, will drop away gracefully for all involved. Eventually, your needless fears will do the same.  Your ability to complete tasks successfully will increase along with your energy level and sense of peace. 
Maybe it's time to think about creating a practice of checking-in  with source a few minutes every day. If you need help, find a teacher online or locally to help you. Pay attention to books or videos that you're attracted to and try them.  I personally enjoy the Love or Above approach of Christie Marie Sheldon and have been using her method daily.  It's such an easy way to integrate the idea of checking into source no matter what's going on.   There are also suggestions to help raise the energy
level (vibration) of your children and other family members. Christie currently offers a free energetic kit on her website.  Consider giving it a try. You can also follow updates on facebook at Love or Above.

I hope you will enter into wonderful new experiences this year that improve your confidence, happiness, and awareness of how much you are loved by the divine source.  Time for us to do a happy dance now - I know you secretly want to!  It's a great way to get the process started.

Margaret-Elizabeth (taking a little time to check-in today)

Friday, January 4, 2013

The truth of the matter...

Doreen Virtue
Do you ever doubt or worry about your current situation and what is really behind the reason you are struggling?  Do you take the time to try and discover what is causing the discord in your life?  Have I pulled the right card for you! Today's card is about discovering the "truth".

The truth card brings to our attention that we may already be in tune to what is true in any situation.  As six sensory people, we have to learn to trust that inner knowing.  This can be difficult for some of us.  How many times have you been aware of the truth of the matter, and ignored your awareness?  This is a common occurance for all of us as we learn to trust our guidance. 

Our bodies will alert us to what is true by giving us physical signals and symptoms. They are sometimes  subtle and sometimes overwhelming feeligs, but they are always there in the space behind the heart if we take the time to listen.  The creator and the angels will also guide you as to what is true in gentle and comforting ways even during the most difficult situations facing us.

The Truth card also encourages us to tell the truth to ourselves and others in loving and gentle ways.  Archangel Michael will give you courage and protection if you need help in this area. Michael's prescence will ensure that everyone will benefit and will dispel and protect the situation from lower vibrational energies.  You will need to ask for his help in order to begin the process.

The single unicorn pictured is strong and aware.  The divine white light and gold  overhead signified to me that the way is clear and that you are protected. The blue sky brought to mind Archangel Michael. I am struck that the unicorn seems to be alone at first glance, and am reminded of the number one.  We are all one and are never alone.  The divine is always there for us, we need only to stay connected to the source and never be afraid to ask for help.

On a personal note, this card was so relevant to my own situation that I felt the need to share it with you.  We all get so wrapped up in the day to day drama and trama that we really forget to focus in on and connect to our guidance.  It also fell surprisingly into the theme of the mystical and magical world of fairies, etc. that I blogged about earlier this week...and we know there are no accidents in our sensitive six sensory lives.

To help you get started, try to begin each day being thankful for the chance to begin again and take it from there.  This will open the door to guidance. Check in during the day by asking questions or asking for help and wait for the answer.  The more you do this, the more you will  become aware of the subtle signs, ideas, and sychronicities that will begin to unfold and present themselves to you.  The divine may work through other people, give you ideas, dreams, or physical signs. Act as if you were a puppy or a child in that every day is a fresh start or do over opportunity.  Feel the gratitude of being able to begin again.  This gratitude will also help clear the way for a better connection to your inner wisdom and divine guidance. 

Here's to a beautiful new year for you filled with opportunities to receive guidance.

Breathe and enjoy you're day.
Margaret-Elizabeth (Now where did I put that do over button thingy?)

Like the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards used in today's reading?  Zip on over to my side bar (R/H side of this blog)and snag the  Angel Therapy/Doreen Virtue savings banner.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Magical Wednesday Wonder

Train Exhibit
During the holiday season, Dave and I visited the United States Botanic Garden in D.C.  There were beautiful displays of colors and lights throughout the entire building along with a special exhibit for the young at heart.  The train exhibit was set in a fairy like environment with so much to experience and see that pictures don't really do it justice.  There was something unique and magical at every turn. 

Enjoy the wonder, embrace the new year and a bit of magical fairy dust...

Train Exhibit

Holiday season 2012
Train Exhibit
Train exhibit
It doesn't get any better than mermaids, fairy homes and colorful mushrooms along the magical forest trail.  
Need more magical mermaid goodness?  Check out Doreen Virtue's Mermaids 101 and
For you:
Experience the subtle energies of the nature spirits:
Consider being more open to the nature spirits.  Go oustide and release your imagination. Feel and know that the nature spirits suround you with their delightful healing energy.  They eagerly lift your mood and bring your awareness back to mother earth and her nuturing wisdom.  Close your eyes for a few moments and experience the subtle energies that surround you.  Keep a journal or record your experinces as they come to you.  Express this energy in a creative way that feels comfortable.
See you on the fairy trail. Allow the magic!
Margaret-Elizabeth ( so capturing the loving feeling of fairy dust and glitter of childhood in my imagination today)
Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150