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Monday, March 25, 2013

Play, create, repeat...

I have a share for you…
This is a pic of a chakra clearing and healing spread I did recently with Angel Tarot Cards and healing chakra stones.  I intuitively chose the spread for this adventure and had an insightful reading as a result.
Today, I enthusiastically urge you to try using your angel and tarot cards in a new way.  Create your own spreads and add materials that you’re drawn to.  Watch what happens and journal  all of your feelings and psychic experiences.  You'll gain new insight into your abilities and hone your skills in a safe and creative way. It’s okay to play and be creative serious six sensories.  Creativity allows source to come in and that’s what it’s all about.
Play, create, repeat.
Margaret-Elizabeth (visiting the six sensory playground of creativity and wonder.)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So don't fret, and get out there!

The book of the week is Gregg Braden's, How  Science is  Holding Humanity Back 
(available on Kindle)
Every day is a new day of discovery for six sensory beings...or at least it should be,if we are open to receiving all the gifts, insights,and opportunities that are lining up  to help us stay on our life path. Today, I'm sharing a personal experience with you because it's an example that will work beautifully for six sensory people at all levels and walks of life.

When I was in college studying art, I became friends with Lisa, a fellow art student. She once shared with me that every week she planned to attend or try an "art related" activity on her own outside of school or homework.  I was so impressed with her dedication to her creativity and enthusiasm for art. It inspired me to try harder to find time between a full time job and classes to squeeze in more "art" in my life.  

Today, I encourage you to be inspired and look for new ways to hone your six sensory abilities, seek out people to help you develop your skills, meditate, explore all possibilities and material or classes that you are drawn to, meet six sensory people and share experiences and knowledge

Many times, we allow our abilities to isolate us.  It's time to take a little time for community, personal growth and new experiences to help our light shine even more brightly.  We are sometimes placed in the darkest places because we do bring the eternal spark of light with us wherever we are...So don't fret, and get out there!

Six Sensory Being blogspot
Whee, Spring 2013 is finally here.  How come I'm still  cold!

Margaret-Elizabeth (embracing the first day of Spring 2013)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Six Sensory perk of the day...

SixSensoryBeing on
Message or Worry boxes can be any shape, size, or made from any material. Hand crafted, gifted or store bought.Keep it simple, joyful, and easy to use.
Good Monday morning all!  Today, I'm excited to share with you the idea of a message or worry box.  Some call it a God box or possibly an angel box.  Please feel free to give your box a name that  fits your belief system...or maybe no name at all.  

My experience with what I call my angel box began many years ago when my mother gifted a beautiful and delicate box to me with an angel on the top.  I was struggling with career, grad school and life in general was stressful at that time in my life.  I began writing down my worries as they popped up into my mind and  releasing them for loving and peaceful resolution.  

What a relief!  The simple task of writing down and releasing the energy of my thoughts and worry made a huge difference in my life. It gave me peace. Many of my worries were resolved quickly, while others lingered a bit. Eventually, there were no slips of paper left in the box.  I continued to pray, meditate, eat more healthy high vibrational foods and exercise daily.  The act of briefly writing down my concerns and releasing them became an easy daily practice.  

You might consider placing your box where you will see it every day. The box can be as simple or ornate as you wish. The more personal and joyful the box, the happier I was to look and use it daily. You might try journaling your progress and life changes resulting from this practice. This would also be a wonderful experience for you.  Keep it simple and you will look forward to this time every day.

The worry box method is just one of many ways to release your worries.  Six sensory people are especially vulnerable and may unknowingly allow all of the worry and anxiety to build up in their energy systems, especially empaths.  This can lead to illness in the physical body and possibly manifest a state of being that is not healthy for you.

All together now - Breathe deep and let go.

Perk of the day: letting go allows for the good stuff to come into your beautiful six sensory world. Nice, right?

Margaret-Elizabeth (storm behind, smooth sailing ahead six sensories)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Push Play...

Hi six sensories!   Do you take time out from your serious nature as a sensitive being to play?  Do you play light hearted games with your guidance?  How about with your energy field? 

Yesterday, during my morning meditation and energetic high vibration check-in, I asked for discounts to come into my energy field.  I don't know why, it just it occured to me that it might be fun, and I haven't had one in awhile. 

Later in the day, I took Molly, my Yorkie, to the vet for her yearly check and I received two discounts. This was so amazing to me and has never happened during a vet visit. I had to giggle when the vet mentioned that Molly's heartworm test was free with her lab work and there was a rebate on her heartworm medicine when I checked out at the front desk. 

You are encouraged to be more playful and shake things up in your six sensory life from time to time.  Ask your divine guidance for help if you need it.  Pray/meditate, dance, sing, enjoy music and play along your wonderful six sensory life journey. Notice what shows up for you...and don't worry if something doesn't show up for you right away.  I find that something I ask to experience may show up exactly when the time is right (not when I think it is time) or maybe I just didn't really want it that much and my heart and inner wisdom felt it.

Consider trying different ways to connect with her inner wisdom, divine guidance,and your energy/vibration.  Notice what works best for you.  I urge you to consider keeping a journal of your experiences and periodically look over what you have experienced over time. You will be astonished at how your six sensory life will begin to develop.  Your connection and commitment to source will deepen more easily with joy.

Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to push play!

Margaret-Elizabeth (more play, less drama)

When Spirit is with you, nothing is against you.
Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150