The content in this blog are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Do you connect soul to soul?

Our relationships don't have to be messy, six sensories!  When dealing with personal or professional relationships, the most important idea that I try to remember is "Connect soul to soul rather than role to role"-Sonia Choquette.  

All of us have intuition, it's just a matter of becoming more aware of it and following through with the information we're receiving. I encourage you to take note of how you receive your information, especially when dealing with the people in your life.  Do you perhaps here a "voice of warning" or feel a "gut" reaction that something is not right for you in the relationship?  Perhaps you "know" that someone is not being completely honest with you. You may also feel very positive feedback from your intuition, such as feeling a familiar or loving connection with another person. These are all clues to help you become more aware of the person and situation that you are currently entering into, experiencing in present time or perhaps will experience in the near future.  

Acknowledging your intuition is key to having better relationships with the people in your life. Some of these people you will teach, learn from, work with, befriend, love, or help. The gift of intuition is divine and to be used daily. 

I encourage you to ask assistance from Archangel Raguel to help you with clients and co-workers to bring harmony into any situation.  Archangel Uriel can help you with any problem solving and important conversations that you need to have with anyone in your life. Archangel Michael can help you with courage, confidence and safety in any situation.  All of your relationships can be healed in a fair and loving manner for all involved.  Let go of any concerns and patiently trust that all is being healed.

I hope this post has inspired you to lead with your intuition and smooth the way for a beautiful six sensory life experience.

Soul to soul!
Margaret-Elizabeth (working on a soul portrait today)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Share your spark!

This morning I drew the Blessing card and would like to share with you.  

Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue PH.D.

Blessings are a result of our connection to the Divine and our devotion to opening our hearts and remaining open to the guidance, help, and gifts that we all receive throughout our day and in our dream state. We are all loved and supported by our guides, angels, ascended masters, and the divine creator right at this moment. We all have the divine spark within us that is our true divine nature.

I urge you to share your spark today with others in a kind and compassionate way. Take time out to pray, meditate,reflect, and become more aware of nature. If you make this time a daily practice, it will help you become more peaceful in the ever changing and turbulent world we live in.  Ask for guidance on how best to create a time for this practice, if you struggle with the idea of how and when. You will be surprised at how easily the door will open to your daily practice of checking in, with a little help.

Happily celebrate your blessings and remember to keep asking for divine guidance in all areas in your life where you may feel scared, unsure or sad.

Receive all your blessings right now with an open heart and have a joyful weekend.

Margaret-Elizabeth (living in open hearted awareness)

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 


Thursday, June 13, 2013

After the storm...

Today we had a turbulent storm.  After the wind died down and the rain ceased, I took some time to look around outside and noticed the resilience that the plants, trees and animals had.  We have this resilience in us as well.  We can experience much turmoil, but nothing can touch our spirit, our beautiful essence.  Our true selves survive. If you need help, ask the angels for their loving assistance. Their energy will surround you, guide you, and lift you out of any perception you may be experiencing.  We can ask our angels for wisdom, send us people to give us support, information and many other ways to assist us in our recovery, including the feeling of peacefulness. The angels are closer to our own vibration and yet they are connected to the pure divine source of the creator. All we need to do is ask and keep our vibration as high as possible. One way to do this is through our prayers.  They are delivered to source instantly by the angels of light and love. You are an incredible light worker and you are always loved and supported.  
But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful.
-Elizabeth Edwards

Margaret-Elizabeth (six sensory and embracing it)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Things are popping...

Quick blog today, everyone. I'd like to share with you two books that I have in my library that I refer to often, The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier and The Crystal Bible 2 by Judy Hall.  Chock full of useful information, both books include meditations and instructions that will help you become more familiar with each subject and encourage exploration. You'll find something useful every time you reach for them. 

Things are popping around here, and I don't mean the electrical appliances.  Many of you know what I mean by that as energy workers.  Anyway, I'm working to bring more services to you so please check the Services page and the Resources page for new information and inspiration.  The new website, will  be available soon and will include some products-yay!  I'll continue to keep this blog here.... and will have it available on the new website. Right now, everything is a work in progress.I appreciate your patience as SixSensoryBeing grows and am grateful for the support, from you the readers, my clients, and every one of the light workers who have stepped up to say hello and welcome!

Inspiration for you today:
Nothing that happened yesterday is as important as what you are about to do! 

Margaret-Elizabeth (releasing the old to bring in the new)

Note: the bracelet in the picture is from Begin Within Jewelry,Vibrant Gemstone Mala Prayer Beads & Spiritual Jewelry on

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lucid Dream Week

Lucid Dream Angels associated with this card are Archangels Zadkiel, Raziel, Raguel and Uriel.

This morning, I was drawn to pulling a card for you, the reader, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards Deck by Doreen Virtue & Melissa Virtue for you, the reader, and to celebrate the Dream Interpretation Session that I'm now offering. 

This is the perfect card for this week as it offers the beautiful symbol of butterflies being released gladly for transformation and opportunity. Because you have inner wisdom, this is an effortless release of what no longer serves you along your path. You are aware that the release allows the new energy of further abundance and new opportunity to now come into your life. 

The color blue, is associated with trustworthy communication. The white and golden light of the divine forces are present to give you the love and support that is needed at this time. There are choices, yes, but the outcome is postive because you have chosen to accept and trust your six sensory connection to the divine.  You are supported and always connected to source no matter what occurs in your life and your path is being lit to dispel any fears and doubts that may have held you back previously. You can move forward now with confidence.  You know that you are completely supported and only need to ask to receive the help you need. It will help you to acknowledge that you are a powerful light worker and the world needs your radiant love. Keep your focus on service to overcome your ego's attempt to say otherwise.

I invite you to consider paying close attention to your dreams now more than ever. If you're having clear and vivid dreams, also known as lucid dreams, than I encourage you to take note of the colors, symbols, and messages that you're receiving. Acknowledge your own personal symbols when they present themselves for they're keys to mentally understanding the guidance you are receiving. Utilize all of your senses. What do you know, feel, see, hear, smell or taste? Your intuitive insights help you to discover and decipher what is coming forward for you to contemplate.  This is a beautiful and powerful part of our six sensory nature as spirit embodied in physical form. Your dreams will present solutions to problems and new opportunity waiting for you if you will only notice the gentle and subtle dream images. Consider asking your dream guide for any help you need before you go to bed tonight and follow up in your journal in the morning and during the day if you receive more insight.

I urge you to be your own psychic detective while you dream tonight and beyond!

Margaret-Elizabeth (Group dreaming anyone?
Great minds dream alike.)

You might also enjoy reading "Thrilled" and Dream well, live well.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt 

The word around here is "thrilled".  There are new services being offered at Six Sensory Being.  Each session is confidential and unique to your needs.

Six Sensory Being blogspot

Dream Interpretation 

Do you need help with understanding your dreams? Do you perhaps need advice setting up a dream space that will not only help you dream, but also enable you to remember them in detail? I will gently guide you intuitively through the steps of understanding...


 Six Sensory Being blogspot

Dream, Create, and Discover Your Life Path

 You will be pleasantly surprised as you discover hidden dreams and creativity. Your confidence to take the action steps along your path will become easier as you realize how much you are loved and supported by...

Book now, as these slots are going to fill up quickly. Enjoy super summer savings. Okay, summer isn't quite here yet, but I'm so excited to work with you that I just couldn't wait.  You will also receive a complimentary numerology report valued at $25 for the month of June.  This offer is back by popular demand.  It's such a fun way to share my love of numbers with you and to say thank you.

You may click on the links above to read full descriptions and book an appointment or book here on Blogger for these services and more by visiting my Services Page .

Let's get started, shall we?

Margaret-Elizabeth (dancing along my life path as if no one is watching)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dream well, live well...

Consider clearing a space for your own personal dream altar.  

How is your dream space? Do you sleep well and remember your dreams?  Do you journal them?  How do you feel when you awaken from  sleep?

Here are a few tips to help you sleep well, dream well, and discover the wonderful benefits of dreams. Dream time is a chance to  receive information  from our guides, departed loved ones, (and one of my favorites) find solutions to problems.  We can also discover and recover our freedom when we travel in our dreams. 

1. Ask for a dream guide.  You already have one available to you,so why not ask them to come forward and help you?  Mine is William, and he gently helps and protects me while I dream. William has been with me for as long as I can remember, and probably longer. Ask for your dream guide's name and try to visualize this guide in your prayers, meditations or dreams.  A guide will probably come forward for you right away since you're already six sensory, if not, be patient. I urge you to keep your mind and senses open to your guide.  It will happen.

2. Set the stage. Clear your clutter! Cover or remove any mirrors, utilize soft lighting, crystals, and herb sachets.  Remove computers, phones, and any electronic devices, including the television. Place the pets in their own beds, crates, etc before turning in for sleep. Listen to soft music before sleeping but not during sleep. Turn off the television,(if you can't move it out of the bedroom), and relax at least 30 minutes before sleep. If you have a partner, you may have to negotiate some of these changes but you will also create a more romantic environment, as well, so I would say it could be a win/win for couples. It's also helpful to keep paper or a journal with a pen close by to write down your dream upon awakening. Do what you can to make your bedroom a safe environment to sleep.

3. Set the intention. Many of us already understand the importance of intention. We often do this practice of setting an intention in our daily six sensory lives.  You could say for instance, "My intention tonight is to dream and remember my dreams clearly and vividly" or "Tonight, I will dream and discover how to solve my problem" and state the problem you are seeking help for.  Keep it simple and be comfortable with your request.

4. If you find the suggestions of herbs or crystals aren't for you or aren't part of your belief system, please do what you feel comfortable with. Your prayers and intentions alone will work miracles.

Below is a list of herbs for sachets and crystals that I've found helpful to prepare for a good night's sleep. Place the herbs in a sachet bag and keep them on your beside our underneath your pillow. You can also place them in a small bowl. I encourage you to use whatever works for you.


Rose Quartz (so gentle it can be used for your children's dream time)
Clear Quartz

I suggest you spend a little time with the herbs and crystals before using them to see what works for you. Remove any item that feels too strong or makes you irritable. Use one or more and if you don't have them on hand or the budget doesn't allow for them, place a picture near your bed or visualize them before sleep. Charging the crystals with your intention, Reiki blessing, sunlight, moonlight, or water will also create a more safe and healing environment during dream time.

I invite you to begin to create your safe, peaceful environment today.  It will be a special place where dreams are not only possible but also remembered and utilized to enrich your life.

Wishing you sweet dreams now and forever more.

Margaret-Elizabeth (dreaming, reaching, growing)

(The card deck used in photo is from Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue)

Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150