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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lucid Dream Week

Lucid Dream Angels associated with this card are Archangels Zadkiel, Raziel, Raguel and Uriel.

This morning, I was drawn to pulling a card for you, the reader, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards Deck by Doreen Virtue & Melissa Virtue for you, the reader, and to celebrate the Dream Interpretation Session that I'm now offering. 

This is the perfect card for this week as it offers the beautiful symbol of butterflies being released gladly for transformation and opportunity. Because you have inner wisdom, this is an effortless release of what no longer serves you along your path. You are aware that the release allows the new energy of further abundance and new opportunity to now come into your life. 

The color blue, is associated with trustworthy communication. The white and golden light of the divine forces are present to give you the love and support that is needed at this time. There are choices, yes, but the outcome is postive because you have chosen to accept and trust your six sensory connection to the divine.  You are supported and always connected to source no matter what occurs in your life and your path is being lit to dispel any fears and doubts that may have held you back previously. You can move forward now with confidence.  You know that you are completely supported and only need to ask to receive the help you need. It will help you to acknowledge that you are a powerful light worker and the world needs your radiant love. Keep your focus on service to overcome your ego's attempt to say otherwise.

I invite you to consider paying close attention to your dreams now more than ever. If you're having clear and vivid dreams, also known as lucid dreams, than I encourage you to take note of the colors, symbols, and messages that you're receiving. Acknowledge your own personal symbols when they present themselves for they're keys to mentally understanding the guidance you are receiving. Utilize all of your senses. What do you know, feel, see, hear, smell or taste? Your intuitive insights help you to discover and decipher what is coming forward for you to contemplate.  This is a beautiful and powerful part of our six sensory nature as spirit embodied in physical form. Your dreams will present solutions to problems and new opportunity waiting for you if you will only notice the gentle and subtle dream images. Consider asking your dream guide for any help you need before you go to bed tonight and follow up in your journal in the morning and during the day if you receive more insight.

I urge you to be your own psychic detective while you dream tonight and beyond!

Margaret-Elizabeth (Group dreaming anyone?
Great minds dream alike.)

You might also enjoy reading "Thrilled" and Dream well, live well.

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