The content in this blog are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The State of Mind and the Immune System

The State of Mind and the Immune System

I thought you might enjoy this article on the brain, emotions and the immune system

Have a beautiful day!
Margaret Elizabeth

Monday, July 29, 2013

Light and Love

Today's beautiful message from the angels is to help us to remember the fact that we are here on Earth giving support, light and love to those around us and the planet every moment. Our ability to do this is our life purpose. 

Many times we question why we're here at this particular time on the planet and if we're on our life path. Perhaps we wonder if we're doing enough? The angels want to confirm that we contribute to the healing of not only ourselves and others, but the planet itself, by just being here. What we do, how we choose to spend our time, what we focus our thoughts on, along with ideas that we bring to fruition ripple through into our world, the universe and beyond.  Our six sensory abilities can sometimes be overwhelming, but the angels want us to know that our gift of sensitivity is a gift to the world and helps spread a new awareness that is critical to our evolution and survival. We are entering a new age of enlightenment and our healing light is needed.

Know that you are loved and supported by the creator and that you are absolutely living your purpose in life. I invite you to acknowledge and embrace your gifts, talents and share your wisdom to fulfill your beautiful six sensory life. I hope you will continue to follow your life purpose with confidence. Keep in mind daily the knowledge that you are deeply loved and supported by an array of spiritual helpers, guides and teachers in this world and beyond.

Ask yourself...
Do I take time to feel the love of the divine? Do I pay attention to and acknowledge the signs that I receive that I am being supported by the divine?  Do I offer my worries and problems to the divine for transmutation, resolution and a loving outcome for the good of all involved? 

If you answer yes, than you are focused and open to allow support along your life path. 

If no, perhaps you need to consider taking more time to be quiet and reflective. Perhaps you need a walk in nature or creative activities. Maybe you need time with your children or pets, or to help a friend or volunteer your services. Ask for help and pay attention to the signs, ideas,and opportunities that will to show up in your life. All of these activities will allow the healing flow of source to work through you.  

I encourage you to share your thoughts on today's blog. Your comments can be healing and encouraging to others. All comments are moderated and spam or abusive comments will not be tolerated (or appear) toward anyone who writes a comment on this blog.

Feel the light and love that is all around you today.

Margaret Elizabeth

“Just as ripples radiate from the place where a stone is thrown into a pool of water, our sometime-unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs create the “disturbances” in the Field that become the blueprints for our lives.” Gregg Braden

Monday, July 22, 2013

Are you at a crossroads?

“When you feel life at crossroads,
you need higher perspective view.” 
― Toba BetaMy Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

The crossroads of life can be pretty confusing and challenging.  We've all been there and will probably be there again, at some point in our lives. 

Crossroads don't have to be challenging. Consider that change is an opportunity for growth. That's why I'm offering the newest attunement, The Crossroads Energy Attunement, channeled by Nicole Lanning, here at Six Sensory Being.  I enjoy working with this attunement, not only for myself, but for other lightworkers, mediums and anyone who is struggling with clarity and the ability to make the decision that is right for us. 

You will receive the attunement from me via the chi ball energy method. Your attunement package includes a pdf with information regarding the use of the attunement, instructions on how to give and receive it, along with a brief history of how the attunement was chanelled and the history of the crossroads.

It's a beautiful way to gently improve your openess to receiving guidance and clarity for any major decision in life. (See Attunements box on the sidebar right hand side of this blog)

Receive your attunement in open hearted awareness and enjoy more clarity,less fear.

Margaret Elizabeth


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

save your sanity day...

Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself.-Dr. David R. Hawkins

Are you receiving messages from those who have passed on to the spirit world at times it's really inconvenient or bugging you? The departed ones don't mean to be annoying, they're just so delighted that you're a medium and aware of them. A teacher once suggested making
an appointment time (and keeping it) for the people who would like to come through to tell their story, pass on messages, etc. I was receiving messages so randomly at all hours of the day and night and it was getting overwhelming and tiresome. I felt guilty that I was not able to help them all and it never occurred to me to set an appointment time with spirit as you would with people in the physical world.

Every day I meditate at least once a day and allow departed spirits to come through then, if they wish. Departed loved ones were once in physical form and get that they need an appointment with you - the medium! Departed loved ones of clients come through during readings or during a healing session, but not when I'm giving a chi ball attunement, for example. 

Gently speak with the departed spirits and state your intention to help them during a certain time(whatever fits your schedule and life).You'll discover that you'll receive their messages more clearly, easily and feel less stress or guilt. They will show up for sure and you may still receive messages at other times when someone's energy is persistent but normally, they will respect your wishes. Let them know when you're available and when you're not. Taking a break will also give your energetic, physical, mental and emotional bodies a rest, especially at night. 

Consider creating a signal. Think of a word, give a physical sign or say a prayer to send as a signal to them that you're ready for communication or done for the day.

I encourage you to take a deep breath, acknowledge your gifts and enjoy being of service to others.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Angel Attunements!

Angel, by Edward Burne-Jones [1878] (Public Domain Image)

I'm super excited to offer two new attunements this month at Six Sensory Being!

Colours of the Angels is a beautiful and gentle attunement to help begin a lifetime journey with your angels. The pdf includes helpful basic information,receiving and giving the attunement. This attunement will open seven Archangel connections to help bring you guidance, protection and shine light along your life journey. 

The Angel Lightworkers Program is one of my favorite attunements. There are three attunements in this package along with information on the angelic realm, meditative images and instructions on how to give and receive the attunements. 

After purchase, you will receive an email from me with instructions on receiving your attunement and the the lineage of the attunement. The attunement is delivered by the chi ball method and I offer email support for all of my attunements. There is no need to contact me to arrange the attunement. The 
energy will flow to you once you set you intention to receive it. 

Once the service is given, I can not issue a refund, and as with anything else in life, it depends on you to do your part to nurture your relationship with the angels.

Each package is a $30 value, but this month is my 15th wedding anniversary and to celebrate, I'm offering each package for half price - only $15 each!!! It's important to me that you begin your relationship with the angels as soon as possible, and make these attunements more affordable for everyone.

Enjoy your day!
Margaret Elizabeth

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 biggest lessons...

We are here on Earth as six sensory light workers to help and heal with our gifts, compassion and by example. We've experienced the harsh lower vibrations of people and other energies on our planet our entire lives, and yet we are still here at a most crucial time to inspire and help others. We have sensed the urgency of our situation since birth, and have gone through changes at lightening speed to enable us to adjust to this world and continue to go about our work.

I invite you to consider what will possibly be your three biggest lessons while you're here in the physical world.

Claim your gifts.

Accept them and yourself no matter what others may think,say or do.

Use these divine gifts to heal the planet in your own unique and exceptional way.

This has been a little pep talk today for all the dear, gentle six sensory people who may be feeling lonely, criticized or confused today.

From my heart to yours...
Margaret-Elizabeth (feeling the loving energy and support of the Blessed Mother helping me with this post today)

May the Blessed Mother's gentle and loving energy surround and protect you. May she help you avoid harsh conversations, situations and feelings.

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