The content in this blog are the property of Margaret E. Nock, Six Sensory Being, and for non-commercial
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All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here is your key...

Are you in need of insight into a problem or 

situation in your life?  We all struggle with

choices. What and how do we keep grace in our 

lives and what do we need to release in a 

loving manner?  When we are living our true 

six sensory life, we rely on all of our 

senses to navigate through our struggles

and keep us on our spiritual path. We can also 

call upon,through prayer, the loving

assistance from the angelic realm. The 

key is to ask with an open heart. Please don't

confuse this with the idea of angel worship or 

cult, but simply receiving the loving guidance

and energy that is available to all of us.

Archangel Uriel from Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Archangel Uriel(The Light of God) will  

supply you with the information needed when

you ask. His energy enlightens our minds with 

Divine energy and inspiration. You will notice 

repetitive ideas and inspiration that will pop

into your mind. I encourage you to pay 

attention to these suggestions and write them 

down so that you don't forget them. Your help 

is from the highest source and revealed to you

with love. There is no need to be afraid.

I invite you to receive your guidance with an 

open heart and there will be no need to doubt 

your knowing or other senses. Consider calling 

in your angelic support system and continue

your six sensory life with the peace

and assurance that you are loved.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Six Sensory Comfort Food

Something wonderful is cooking in the kitchen....

Quick and easy, fresh and tasty...

What could it be?

It's a Memorial Day Weekend Soup Recipe ...

A holiday weekend is the perfect time to spend time in the kitchen, the garden, or the farmer's market, my six sensory friends.  It's so important for us to learn how to ground ourselves by cooking and eating well while sharing the experience with others.  

I cooked this quinoa (pronounced "keen-wa")soup rather quickly and easily after a busy schedule today.  It's made with a basic quinoa soup mix and fresh organic veggies that we grow ourselves along with a few left overs.  Make this delicious soup a vegetarian treat or opt to add chicken or turkey. 

Normally, I cook my soup in a pressure cooker or slow cooker, but you can also cook this soup on the stove rather easily and enjoy a gluten free and low-glycemic index food. Just 1/2 cup of quinoa provides 11 grams of complete protein and is a good source of vitamins and minerals. What I like most about this soup is that it's light, yet filling, and makes a nice addition to any spring/summer meal.  It fills you up and gives you comfort. Consider cooking some of this comfort soup for a friend or family member that may be going through a difficult time or just needs some extra tender loving care.

Here's how I made it:
I cooked the soup tonight with 5 cups of water, a stalk of celery, 1 onion, left over chicken, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup cauliflower, 1/2 cup of green beans, a pinch of sea salt & a dash of pepper, and the quinoa mix.  Heat the water to a boil, add all your ingredients, and simmer for about 30 minutes or until you feel it's ready.


Did you know?  Quinoa is an ancient grain the Inca's referred to as "mother grain".

I encourage you to continue to explore your gifts during the holiday weekend and to journal your feelings and experiences. 


I'm thinking of my dad this Memorial Day weekend. He was a WWII veteran (a navigator)  who flew in China,Egypt,India & Burma.  He was one of the few who returned from flying over the Himalayas.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Invite your spirit back home...

sixsensorybeing blogspot
Knit caps made for Craft Hope Project #21 Rally for Roma
One of the ways I invite my spirit back home during a stressful day is to knit or crochet for charity.   Creative activities are a wonderful way to call back your spirit and allow you to enjoy a fully balanced six sensory life. Keep it all simple and stress free.

I enthusiastically encourage you to make it a point to enjoy your beautiful six sensory life as you explore your creativity.

Dance, sing, repeat and bring your spirit home.
Margaret-Elizabeth (finally free to be me)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

lead with your intuition and ...

Margaret Nock.  All rights reserved
Madison is now 4 months old.  She's already on alert in her surroundings trusting her puppy intuition.

Today, I encourage you to lead with your intuition. In the past, many of us have neglected to do so, and regretted that we didn't acknowledge our beautiful gift of intuition. Daily intuitive choices keep you on your life path and enable you to consciously make the choices that are really right for you.  Trust your intuition, use it often, and speak out when it's challenged by your own ego or others.  Okay, I admit   speaking out may definitely take some practice. Many of us grow up being taught to be "Miss or Mr. Manners" at all times. Try it and you'll feel so much better for trusting your intuition and allowing it to guide you.

Six Sensory Being Tip of the Day:

It's helpful to have a way to re-enforce this practice, especially if it's new to you.  A teacher once suggested I wear a bracelet or band that fits securely to my wrist.  When I followed my intuition, I pulled, snapped or touched the bracelet each time.  This worked well in my daily life. I invite you to try it. Soon, listening to your intuiti
on will become more comfortable and natural to you.  I still wear a bracelet or band to this day to keep me on track. No one is looking!

Lead with your intuition and dance with glee through life, six sensory beings!

Margaret-Elizabeth (paying attention to current events and the marvelous acknowledgement of intuition)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Meet me on the corner of intention and enthusiasm.

Today, I invite you to consider the idea that, in life, prayer or meditation,and any six sensory endeavor, intention and enthusiasm work hand in hand. They are key to a positive outcome.  In my own life, I've found that one without the other seems difficult to consider.  Many times, I've  dived in with enthusiasm in all areas of my  life. If an intention was not set beforehand in morning meditation, unexpected, and not always welcomed results tended to occur.

Whatever your six sensory calling may be helping others, it is equally important to set the intention for healing.  Your enthusiasm for your abilities and the loving guidance of the holy spirit will spill over into your session allowing others to feel comfortable.  They will become more receptive to the message and healing.

I encourage you to set an intention using your own words for your day - every day!- for the next few weeks.  You may find it enlightening to journal your experiences, opportunities, and new ideas that show up in your life. This will be your very own written account of all your observations and experiences over time. You will discover the subtle ways your life is improving and how you are lovingly being guided by the holy spirit and your higher self.  Trust what you are experiencing and enjoy the process.

My hope is that you will joyfully begin your week with confidence and allow your beautiful spirit to soar. 

Meet me on the corner of intention and enthusiasm!  I'll be the one with a can do attitude and a big smile knowing that you read this blog.

Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Exciting new things are happening!

New things are happening here at SixSensoryBeing!  I've added a new reading called the "What is so" reading.  This is a very insightful reading that takes a look at your life path in present time.  It addresses any blocks that you may be encountering and offers you clarity, focus and confidence.  I'm so excited to be offering this reading to you and I look forward to helping you continue along your life path.

Consider an Angel Card reading via email. One of my favorite readings for May is the Flower Therapy Reading or perhaps a New Love reading? 

You may have noticed that I'm also offering sale prices for the month of May as well as a free numerology report (a $25 value!!!) with all readings. Hooray! I just love working with numbers and passing on my enthusiasm to you.  I'll continue to offer a free Reiki blessing with a Spirit, Intuitive, or "What is so" readings. Please visit my Services Page for all the details on what's new for the merry month of May.

Please take advantage of all the May goodness and I look forward to working with you soon.

Margaret-Elizabeth celebrating spring, life, and beauty at Longwood Garden last Saturday. The tulips bloomed late this year but they were worth the wait.

I encourage you to ask the Archangel Jophiel to bring more beauty into your life today, six sensories.

Winterthur Wordless Wednesday

Winterthur Museum Garden and Library

Winterthur Museum Garden and Library

Winterthur Mueseum Garden and Library

Winterthur Museum Garden and Library

Winterthur Museum Garden and Library

Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150