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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Recently, the word allow was brought into my awareness in reference to non-guided meditation and this was my experience with the incredibly freeing word, allow.
Synonyms: accept, acquiesce, admit, allow, enter into.
Antonyms: condemn, deounce, resist.

I've struggled with the practice of non-guided meditation off and on through the years until a wonderful teacher suggested that I allow the words, thoughts, fears, energy forms, etc. to just come and go without worry or judgement.  (She also gave me a personal mantra for which I am grateful) The task was easier said than done at first try.  I realized the power of the ego and how it was fighting me. The ability to allow seemed like a tall order, but I told my ego to basically go sit in the corner while I gave it a try. It worked! (You can also ask Archangel Michael to assist and protect you during the process and throughout the day). This has been one of my many personal experiences with the word allow. You will have your own and that is the wonderful part of life here on Earth.
Is your world chaotic?  It can be extremely difficult to focus on the day to day tasks of work, childcare, petcare, carpool and on and on and on.  However, I have learned, and you have probably realized it is exactly the time  to allow source energy or the divine into your day. (please fill in the word that you feel most comfortable with).  You will notice that your day will go more easily, doors of opportunity and creative solutions will open and your relationships will improve, and if they are causing you great difficulty, will drop away gracefully for all involved. Eventually, your needless fears will do the same.  Your ability to complete tasks successfully will increase along with your energy level and sense of peace. 
Maybe it's time to think about creating a practice of checking-in  with source a few minutes every day. If you need help, find a teacher online or locally to help you. Pay attention to books or videos that you're attracted to and try them.  I personally enjoy the Love or Above approach of Christie Marie Sheldon and have been using her method daily.  It's such an easy way to integrate the idea of checking into source no matter what's going on.   There are also suggestions to help raise the energy
level (vibration) of your children and other family members. Christie currently offers a free energetic kit on her website.  Consider giving it a try. You can also follow updates on facebook at Love or Above.

I hope you will enter into wonderful new experiences this year that improve your confidence, happiness, and awareness of how much you are loved by the divine source.  Time for us to do a happy dance now - I know you secretly want to!  It's a great way to get the process started.

Margaret-Elizabeth (taking a little time to check-in today)

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