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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Are you daydreaming?

I urge you to take a little time to daydream. Some of my best daydreams come to me when I'm cooking, cleaning, sitting in front of a window on a rainy day.  I spend the first few moments of my morning outside on my porch with my coffee or tea watching the trees sway in the breeze while tuned into Mark Watson's beautiful angelic melodies. When the mind is able to daydream, the body relaxes and your guidance, imagination and ideas will drop into your awareness.  With time and practice, this can be an incredibly powerful way for you to free up the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and allow spirit, imagination, creativity and new ideas into your awareness. 

Practice daydreaming when you're alone and feel it's safe to let go and relax. Begin by sitting comfortably with feet flat on the floor (or lay down) whatever you feel you need to do in the moment and take a few gentle deep breaths to release tension in the body and allow your mind to relax. Acknowledge the random thoughts that will come up and allow them to pass as will adjustments in the body, like coughing, itching, or whatever comes up.  This is a way for your body to release energy and tension. If you have to move or adjust, it's okay, go ahead and do it.  Look around the room and  notice where you are in present time.  Close your eyes and sit in this quiet space of  awarenes with no expectation, just be.  If you feel the desire to listen to music or a guided meditation during this time than do it.  

You will find that when you make a habit of daydreaming, your life will be back in the flow of your divine spirit, and any difficulties that you have will be overcome much more quickly.  New solutions will come, you will feel more peaceful, and joy will make it's way back into your life.

You may also enjoy reading this article about the science of daydreaming from the Telegraph: 

Daydreaming really is the key to solving complex problems.

Enjoy your daydream,
Margaret-Elizabeth (daydreams when no one is looking)

 "If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. ... I get most joy in life out of music.” Albert Einstein

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