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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fabulous Five Sure Fire ways to...

It's time to bring in some fresh ideas and awareness. Here are five fabulous ways to call in your divine spirit.  These activities can also gently call in your guides, helpers, angels, and ascended masters.  They will also prepare your physical, emotional, and mental bodies to receive awareness, ideas, guidance and any information that you may be searching for. 

Start with....

1.Your breath...Breathe in deeply, exhale gently saying ha.  Do this until you feel at ease and peaceful.

2. Listen to music that is angel friendly with beautiful melodies.

3. Dance as if no one is looking.  Nothing fancy, just move and stretch.  The more you move joyfully,the better the outcome will be. Exercises such as walking, yoga, pilates, running, etc. can also help you gain clarity and guidance.

4. Create!  It doesn't matter the skill or the project. Get creative. Cook, paint, write, build, knit, whatever releases that since of joy and creativity in your being.

5. Nature is awesome! Take a walk outside and enjoy your view.  Garden. Visit the forest, arboretum, ocean, mountain range, river or whatever is near you.  Reconnect with the natural world and really concentrate on how the trees, plants and animals behave, feel and interact with you and every other living thing. 

I invite you to do one or all as often as you are able. Journal each and every feeling and experience so that you can keep track of your beautiful six sensory lifeAllow the new awareness to just fall into your being, no matter how subtle.

That's it! 
Margaret-Elizabeth (Thinking of having a joyful dance off with the dogs today. I'm sure they are up for it.)

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