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Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Meditation Muse...

I invite you to enjoy these red tulips from my weekend travels.

Can you visualize the grounding color of red in your minds eye? If not, it's okay.  Allow yourself to just know, and continue. Perhaps you can  feel a slight breeze and smell the grounding earth beneath your feet.  Will you allow yourself to hear birds chirping in the trees and taste the sweet honey of the honey bee?  If so, congratulations, you are experiencing your six sensory abilities...and it's only Monday!  Enjoy the endless possibilities of your abilities and seek out ways to practice them every day.  They are your heavenly gifts.

See the color red - Root Chakra - Grounding - 
I have the right to live.

Recommended reading

Chakras for Beginners: A Guide to Balancing Your Chakra Energies (For Beginners)

Eat well, feel joy and have a beautiful and balanced day,
 six sensories!

Margaret-Elizabeth (Monday never felt so good.)

All rights reserved.
Molly never misses a chance to enjoy her senses, even when having a bad hair day.  How 'bout you?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Symbol geekery anyone?

Lately, I've been receiving messages from  you to share some books that can help you understand the basics of being a six sensory person. Hooray, because I've always enjoyed recommending books I've read and found inspiring - even when no one asked the question! There are many good people out there sharing their experiences and expertise making it truly a wonderful century to be six sensory.

Today's share is  one of my favorites called The Book of Psychic Symbols: Interpreting Intuitive Messages by Melanie Barnum.  (paperback and digital version) It's referred to as a dictionary, but really, this gem of a book is so much more. I found it to be an easy read with helpful exercises to help improve your concentration, awareness, and intuition as well as learn the importance of working with the symbols we're given. The information is  especially helpful to the budding psychic or medium who wants to understand symbols and have a clearer understanding of the variety of abilities that you may be experiencing. You will find it an excellent "go to" reference book whether it's for yourself or a family member who has abilities. Both experienced and  novice will enjoy the information and we all need to continue to learn at every stage of our six sensory lives.

There's no need to suffer, wonder or feel alone six sensory beings.  Help and understanding is out there for you. Take a look at Melanie's book and consider adding it to your library.

I urge you to marvel at the miracles that are all around you today. It's only Monday, so who knows what opportunities are just around the corner. Please don't overlook them in your quest for living a balanced life in a hectic world. 

Margaret-Elizabeth (a symbol geek before it was cool)

For more resources, please visit the SixSensoryBeing Resources Page

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Knowing is just the beginning...

SixSensoryBeing blogspot
This past weekend, I posted a tweet about looking for the signs our departed loved ones leave for us.  Today, I thought I would expand on that idea and share with you a post I wrote recently for livepsychicanswers concerning messages from our departed loved ones.

We all have to learn to accept the beautiful messages from the spirit world, even when they aren't exactly what we want or expect to receive.  Messages from the loving spirit world are meant to help us heal, grow into our spiritual path, and understand that love is what it's all about in life and the afterlife.

Many years have passed since my mother died , but she was able to give me a strikingly unusual sign for me around the time of her death. Our dog, Molly, always left some kibble behind in her bowl and that day it was lined up in a particular way on the towel beneath her dog bowl.  This was not a prank or a unique trick, but I already knew by the way it was done that it was my mom stopping by. She had done this for Molly when she was a small puppy. Dave and  I were on the west coast at the time and did not make it back before mom died.  This troubled me because I was the third child and a bit of a miracle baby.  I grew up hearing from friends and family that I would be the one to care for her and hold her hand at the end.  

A few months ago, Mom came to me in my dreams and left a rather firm and loud message along with the image of the beautiful Christmas cactus plant in our home.  This plant was the last present  we received from her before she died.  Every Christmas and Easter since, it has bloomed like clockwork without any special care.  I always knew my mom was probably around me at those times, but I never really felt her energy in the same way I did other relatives. I have seen, felt and heard from my Dad and he has come through in readings for myself and others to help. Christmas and St Patrick's Day are both times when I sense or see him the most as these were significant holidays for him.

This year was different and  knowing my mom, she probably had a lot of catching up to do in the afterlife and is just now getting around to visiting in a more obvious way. (laughing)  There are many reasons, but I think mostly for myself, it was the timing.  She was always very present in life when I was struggling with major changes or problems and continues to do so in the afterlife.  I never doubted that she could hear me and have always kept her close in my heart.

Please know that your deceased relatives are there for you. The simple act of knowing will bring you closer to them.

Knowing is just the beginning for six sensory beings.

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Doreen Virtue
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