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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Divine Timing

Several years ago I was lucky enough to meet and have a reading with a wise man who was also a reverend. He gave me a beautiful reading and revealed the path that was ahead for me.  Many of the specifics that he mentioned occurred within the past two years.  In 2008 a close friend referred me to a lovely woman for a general reading. It was the year I began writing my knitting blog, writing articles and books. I had many changes coming and questions about my life. Much of what she told me has also occurred within the last two years.  I had a little moment of clarity that all that I have done has led me to this wonderful time of growth and awareness.  Even when I was young, I had faith that divine timing would occur throughout my life making the road a little smoother even if I had to wait awhile. 

I'm sharing this with you today to encourage you to know and understand that the Creator, guides and angels are working on your behalf to bring about helpful changes, lessons, and experiences to help you grow spiritually.  It's up to us to use our free will wisely and make the best decisions that we can in present time.

I encourage you to ask for help in all areas life. One way you can help yourself is to pray for your lessons of spiritual growth to be learned quickly and fairly so that all involved will have more peace. Journal your experiences and acknowledge your new awareness as it drops into your life.  The beauty and joy of divine timing will astound you. 

Consider your patience and awareness as beautiful gifts to help you live a more peaceful six sensory life and trust in divine timing.

Margaret Elizabeth (so happy to share my gifts with you today)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Testing, testing!

This is not my best work, but still inspiring and at least now you know what I sound like, right?  I'm in the process of creating a channel of inspirational videos and dusting off my equipment to keep you motivated. New and better videos coming soon to SixSensoryBeing on YouTube(link coming soon for those of you who tried to use a trigger finger on a link just now). Stay tuned for updates and have a beautiful weekend.

Margaret Elizabeth (bringing the energy, exuberance and a can do attitude to my blog today- hope it motivates you too!)

Where my joy guides at!?

Looking for joy in your life?  You may enjoy this SixSensoryBeing FB post.

May the joy guides lead you to new creative and enlightening six sensory experiences and wisdom.

Margaret Elizabeth

I feel a happy dance in my future!  Join me.

Friday, November 15, 2013

I lost a mitten,but gained a website...

I missed you six sensory readers!  We are finally settling into our new home and I thought it might be a good time to write about that dreaded word to many of us, CHANGE.  It's a chiller, right?  Makes the heart beat faster and the sweat start dripping, or maybe that's just me with the security loving Virgo influence on my Indigo nature. 

We really need to come to grips with our fear of the change occurong throughout our lives. Some changes are welcomed, even though there are challenges, while some seemed forced upon us.  The truth is, we ask for these challenges long before we arrive in physical form in order to grow and learn.I am told by my guides that our souls continue to grow learn and serve on the other side. We do have free will but eventually lessons won't be avoided because we need to work through them as part of our spiritual growth. If not in the present life, than we'll be facing them again until we choose to work through them.  

Throughout my period of upheaval, I asked for more support and guidance and vowed to receive it with an open heart. This made everything much easier, and I was actually able to step back and take a look at where I need to improve. Soon I was exploring new ideas, and using my guidance to lead me to the steps I need to grow as a medium and healer. The angels also brought me more wonderful readings for others.  Most recently, I was connected by a true friend to a wonderful soul who will be creating my website. I have been asking for help in this area.  More about that soon.  

Now I know it's Friday afternoon, and this is some heavy stuff to leave you with, but I always like to share my own experiences with you so that you can perhaps be inspired in your own life.  We are sensitive and loving, but our sensitivity leaves us vulnerable.  I encourage you to take good care of yourself by eating as well as you can, spending time in nature and having a little joy, make that bunches of joy, along the way.

I invite you to bravely embrace your change with open arms as it may be the beginning of something beautiful.  You may have to let go of a few things along the way, but it's only to make more room for what needs to come to you.

Take a deep breath, ask for help and go confidently into your future.  There is so much love for you in this world and on the other side.

Margaret Elizabeth (I lost one of my favorite mittens, a pair of sunglasses and two lamps in one day to be more precise, but the same day I learned about my fabulous website opp-it's all good)

Hay House, Inc.
Wayne Dyer - 125x125
Doreen Virtue
Hay House, Inc - 180x150