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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Incredible light workers...

The incredible thing I love about light workers and angels...

Photo: The incredible thing I love about light workers and angels...

What I've noticed in present time, is the way light workers and angels will always swoop in to assist another light worker who is being harmed or abused in any way.  Light workers come in all shapes, sizes and occupations.  Many go about their lives quietly performing incredible deeds of kindness and  compassion.  You may not know them and they are helping you.  We our connected not only by our frequency, but also ancestral ties, past life, future life, and soul groups.  You can always feel when another light worker quietly helped you.  Their assistance  and energy is subtle, yet powerful, as help is given with divine grace.  I encourage you to ask the angels and creator, if you need help and they will raise your vibration. Higher vibrations will help you recognize you are not alone.  You can also use your frequency and your intuition to recognize those who wish to do you harm or harm your loved ones. 

If you are in distress - shine your light.
If you are suffering attacks from an abuser- shine your light.
If you feel oppressed-shine your light.
If you are hopeless, sad, or being manipulated-shine your light.
If you are fearful in any way-shine your light...and if you are unable to, ask for help and it will come.

Your light is your easy pass to higher vibes, help, and serenity.  You are a beautiful spirit of light in this physical world and don't you forget it or allow anyone or thing to extinguish your light.

I hope you will go about your day now, with peace in your heart and a smile on your face.  This is your gentle reminder that higher vibrations are always available to you. Always.


What I've noticed in present time, is the way light workers and angels will always swoop in to assist another light worker who is being harmed or abused in any way. Light workers come in many
shapes, sizes and occupations. Many go about their lives quietly performing incredible deeds of kindness and compassion. You may not know them and they are helping you. We our connected not only by our frequency, but also ancestral ties, past life, future life, and soul groups. You can always feel when another light worker quietly helped you. Their assistance and energy is subtle, yet powerful, as help is given with divine grace. I encourage you to ask the angels and creator, if you need help and they will raise your vibration. Higher vibrations will help you recognize you are not alone. You can also use your frequency and your intuition to recognize those who wish to do you harm or harm your loved ones.

If you are in distress - shine your light.
If you are suffering attacks from an abuser- shine your light.
If you feel oppressed-shine your light.
If you are hopeless, sad, or being manipulated-shine your light.
If you are fearful in any way-shine your light...and if you are unable to, ask for help and it will come.

Your light is your easy pass to higher vibes, help, and serenity. You are a beautiful spirit of light in this physical world and don't you forget it or allow anyone or thing to extinguish your light.

I hope you will go about your day now, with peace in your heart and a smile on your face. This is your gentle reminder that higher vibrations are always available to you. Always.

Margaret Elizabeth


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